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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  November 9, 2012 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> if we are serious about reducing the deficit. we have to raise taxes. >>pam: his message was was mixed. cannot i'm not going to ask students and seniors in middle-class families to pay out the entire deficit will people like me that are making over $250,000 are not asked to pay a dime more in taxes. for (cheers & applause) >> house speaker john boehner is also willing to be flexible. >> everything. from a revenue side and on the spending side has to be looked after. >> everything except tax hikes for the rich. that will slow down our ability to create the jobs that everybody says they want.
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>>pam: john boehner offered an alternative. >> it is clear that there are a lot of special tax hall loopholes. and it is also clear that there are several types of deductions deductions some of which makes sense some of which cannot. >> some of us have heard fiscal cliff but what does it really need? if what is that really mean catherine heenan. >> the fiscal cliff. >> the fiscal cliff. >> building fiscal cliff. >> congress created the fiscal cliff to force yourself to do with the national debt is the worst- case scenario in case there is no agreement on cutting spending and raising revenue. if there is no agreement by the end of the year there will be $55 billion a/with 10 percent from each program and
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another $55 billion from non-defense programs. air travel safety, food safety and medical payments will drop by 27 percent. all americans, rich, poor will see their taxes rise by nearly 50%! the impact on the recovering economy everybody believes is what would have happened to james bond to jamesskyfa'sky >> catherine heenan, kron 4. >>pam: kron 4 is just i justine waldman. >> solutions to keep america from falling off the fiscal cliff are not pretty. >> it would be really hard headed if they come to an
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agreement. >> the president and congress allowed a kron agreement to fall over by. >> with higher unemployment, the only positive if there is a positive here is that the deficit will go down. >> if there is no agreement it will just highlight the to functionality. >> we are so strong about or policies, individually but we do not care if we go into a recession rather that then a compromise cahow >> increasing taxes and making money saving changes. it is a tough reality. >> the fun days are over but nobody likes those changes but you have to do it. and it is time to get your finances in order. we have 53 days to figure it out. justine waldman, kron 4. >> we are asking what is the best way for president obama
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to avoid sending the country to physical left. we of several options you can weigh in on a or facebook fan page will have those results coming up, later. >> this stunning move david petrus designed = = resign = after having an extramarital affair admitting to it. this was after he led the military campaign in 2011 in a four- star general in the head shown " extremely poor judgment " this was an fbi investigation. president obama accepted the resignation reported the with some reluctance and a priest patra and priest- petraer
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'making our country stronger and safer. cia deputy director michael morell will now serve as acting director. >>pam: this stunning discovery san jose police are investigating the apparent murder of a woman whose body was found in ourselves side home early this morning. this appears to the 41st homicide in the year in the san jose. rob fladeboe. >>pam: rob fladeboe has more. >> we are told by neighbors that this was a married couple. they possibly live within the residence. perhaps there were rental tenants and other family members. >> the victim is being
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described of the as a young woman she was found inside the front door of a home here on evangeline drive in south san jose nabors hit a couple that live here had not been getting along but police could not confirm weather domestic violence is suspected or weather others a particular person of interest. they heard silence as the 911 phone call came in. >> 6:53 we saw the front door unlocked and when they try to make entrance the dogs were protected. >> police discovered the victim inside the front door of the home her body being guarded by a pair of dogs officers were responding although not right away as a result of other priorities to in 911 call someone inside the home. but the only thing dispatcher's heard was silence. the victim were a hoodie, police say and there were signs of several trauma but few
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details afternoon waiting for search warrant and canvassing the neighborhood. somebody might shed some light on what exactly happened in san jose rob fladeboe, kron 4 news. >>pam: dan kerman has some details on the federal government over its embattled police department. dan kerman is live outside police headquarters. >> this could be detrimental to the goal of the and as a compliance. instead the city oakland wants to put into positions a compliance director and an assistant chief and this >> our proposal includes two additional persons. one will
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be a high level person that is solely committed for compliance and the second a compliance director that will work with the real time in the arm of the court to make sure that we can move forward, expeditiously. >> the city attorney is not pleased with progress up to this point but the will accelerate the progress. in the meantime, attorneys that want that federal takeover will not be agreeable unless that federal enforcement has hiring and firing powers. it is up to a federal judge and that is scheduled for next lamont. reporting live at the oakland police headquarters and dan kerman, kron 4. >>jacqueline: take a look of the rainfall totals in the last 24 hours. not even a quarter of an inch. concord, two tenths of 1 in. in less than that in other areas. would he word, as would a live look outside on
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stormtracker 4 radar. a word- >> the word >> hayward ho.... as we take a look at the overnight pattern it could indicate instability. and showers closer to the coast. i do not think that we can completely ruled it out for the evening. have your umbrella handy just in case. the snow showers winding down but there are expected to pick up for tomorrow. tomorrow, taking a look at your day planner the chance of showers. with a 20 percent chance very spotty at best. chilly. attempts to be dropping into the police. tempe b into the 30's. details n that, coming up. >> also still ahead at 5 and a high-speed chase of a
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suspicious bank robber in southern california and in a shootout with police. navy seals in troublere your secrets video-game developers. plus an update on the weather situation on the east coast as a storm we residents tried get their lives back on track. [ female announcer ] welcome, one and all,
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to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor. a feeding frenzy, to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever your craving. spend $25, and get a frozen safeway turkey for 59 cents a pound. or spend $25,
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and a frozen butterball turkey, just 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. >>catherine: and national news aprithis police chase
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ended in southern california you are looking at the last moments of the chase. when a suspected bank robber realized he was cornered, police say the man only pretended to give up at that point. and instead, opened fire. fired back and he was injured. and he later died. this was only after a long freeway chase which all started with a pink robbery about 40 mi. away. >>catherine: when some navy seals held a video game company create a realistic new game it was applauded for its realism. but it turns out it was too realistic to keep too much away. the pentagon says that seven navy seals have been punished for sharing classified information. they
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are no longer eligible for promotion, essentially ending their military careers for other navy seals are under investigation. >>catherine: people in the northeast are still feeling storm battered they're dealing with snow, gas shortages, power outages, you name it. president obama is would to visit the area next thursday. meanwhile, things are getting a little bit better, depending on who you talk to. >>catherine: the lines to get gasoline are crazy as one person put it but the rationing program for new york city and long island seems to be helping. at least some people cannot talk about winning an hour instead of three hours, four hours. still, drivers are wondering why they have to obsess about their fuel cage eleven days after the storm blew through. and people are angry about the fact hundreds of thousands of
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homes and businesses are still without power toward the downed trees, heavy snow considered during the best they can. a positive note for drivers, the queens/midtown tunnel reopened this morning easing what a terrible commute. and tonight the statue of liberty will be relent. the first time the torch will be shining since sandy hit. >> they should be thankful that the houses still standing. >> this house was spotless. >>catherine: but there are still signs like this one a couple or turning to our home in pelican island, new jersey. the damages that the police today are okay. >> the water was up over our knees. i thought i'd be able to save something so i put chairs on top of the table i to it did not do -- any good. >>catherine: as for people complaining about not being able to get home at new
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jersey governor had some advice. >> okay, that's crap and you know what everybody's got something they want to complain about bats flying, they are alive and if there are homes are not damaged the should be on their knees thanking god for that. >>jacqueline: with spotty weather patterns but we could still see some weather cells moving over the bay area and through this area lake tahoe is still seen snowfall at this hour guard taking a look at futurecast pinpointing this weather cell under half moon bay. and through the early morning hours snowfall to the sierras and lake tahoe kidding quite a bit of snowfall. as we look to the bay area of a slight chance of and weather patterns a few flurries could be possible. locally is one of the chilly for the
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overnight there is a trusted pfizer into effect. temperatures in the 30's in the north bay valleys. temperatures are going to be slow to warm. with mid '50s for the new in our. however, let us talk about the morning lows. a frost advisory in effect you can see until 8:00 a.m. and on and so for the delta is not included in this or the north bay valleys but those conditions could be included with possibly patchy frost for the inland valleys as well. how 32 in napa, and those tense right n.l. park included in that frost advisory. 37 in fairfield. concord, pleasanton, and 38 in daly city. a very chilly morning and afternoon temperatures are not going to warm up quite that much.
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only 50s and daly city 59 degrees in pleasanton. as we take a look at your extended forecast a slight chance of morning rainfall but into the afternoon drier conditions are expected. we will continue to warm things up on that sunday, monday but mid next week a chance of rainfall is returning we will keep you posted. >> this east bay community is on alert after a suspicious persiaapproached a gl on her way to school. this is not the first fifth time that this same stranger has strictest law were this same child. banta sat in it from a 7:of 20 a.m.. this elementary school in fremont. a 15 year-old girl walking on her way to kennedy high school when she was approached by a strange. the girl refused.
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he drove away however fremont police say that this is the fifth time that that same stranger approached this 15 year-old girl in the fmonths. he was driving a white suburban, with an asian driver with a heavy built. >> the fact that this is so close to the elementary school for the principles of this out to parents just to make sure that they were informed. >> just to make sure that there is a stranger danger. as with any principal in school district want to make sure that our students are safe. >> fremont police are saying that also students and schools have been notified of this stranger danger situation haazig madyun kron
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4 >>pam: take a look at the kron 4 new traffic is already moving decent. the james lick and the san francisco directions is all barely moving. not moving much faster the bottom of your screen the southbound 101 or the peninsula. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t.
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[ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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>> be careful not to fall off the fiscal cliff gauge what people think what could happen to the president and congress. what should he do to keep the economy from seeing the impact. it would love or the impact but it could impact the economy. 60 percent say that they should stand firm. and republicans need to also stand firm for the wealthy. 29 percent say that need each side to give a little
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bit to reach a compromise and a 6% are not uoptimistic. you could always weigh in on our facebook fan page and tell us what you think. we will be back right after this.
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gamow ahead at 5:30 the new san francisco program that will cover the cost of trans gender surgeries for uninsured residents. and hundreds of the families lined up in the searsouth bay making sure they have food for the holidays. >> take a look these glasses they can help people with color blind sufferers. coming up in my gabe slate tech report
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news
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station, this is the kron 4 news. >> san francisco is set to become the first city and the country grou to cover the cost of sex reassignment surgeries for trans gender residents who are not insured. the hall commission voted to create this new program this week. this is a controversial decision. >> this has been a conversation between public- health officials and trans gender advocates for several years and now the whole convention voted for and approved that will treat trans gender individuals. in 2001 did covering it for government employees and all the uninsured can benefit. the department of public health is in search of doctors that will be able to offer these services. terisa sparks from the human
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health administration is in recognition. for >> if somebody is diagnosed with cancer in the treatment is a hysterectomy than it would cover it. if somebody is diagnosed with gender and they want a hysterectomy they do not cover it. do we arbitrarily decide which one is correct in which one is not correct. >> the department of public health is to get this program up and running by 2013. in san francisco, alecia read.. kron 4. >> we are asking people on facebook on what they think about people getting paid for. one half to think that it is entirely appropriate it is a legitimate let
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medical need in this i33% to say that it is an inappropriate use. 70 percent say it is not my business. hi >> of several families braved the cold and overnight rain for the chance of getting holiday meals and christmas toys. will tran has more at this sacred heart community service in san jose. >> at least 400 families they are getting here at sacred heart community service as of 11:00, yesterday morning. the reason why they are here is because they need to get food for their families. altogether, they are going to give out 7000 before thanksgiving and as well as christmas. and they will continue if you have any
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children under 18 this will give out per child, three toys and they say the need is overwhelming but they reached out to the community to get donations. they should be fine but if you'd like to continue to donate their will accept donations from the public. and i can also tell you that these people will put their name on a clipboard, and come back in about one week to get their mail. as well as christmas. just sign up once and it is hard work. they have run it does for their family because it was very cold. we are seeing the rainfall, the puddles but it is something they had to do. this one person was here three years ago and she was open issue would not need to come back. because it is been so difficult with the economy. she is back in line. reporting from sacred
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heart, will tran and >> we are always tracking and neighborhood crime here is a kron 4 crime trecker in the east bay there have been a series of home burglaries and piedmont region city. there are a big fight in the past two weeks. here is where they are happening. most ourself and east of piedmont park. and 200 lafayette ave. 200 crocker also the other was 200 on palm. the majority of these are happening overnight tracking crime grant lotus, kron 4. >> the timing is over with surfers and organizers held an organization and paddled out. they wait for the right
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combination of swell and weather between early november in the end of march. when the conditions are just right, they go out to 24 of the vote most endearing big wave surfers. the each get a day's notice to fly to the half mapeltohalf f bo at half moon bay -- area. >>jacqueline: we are looking at that spot the area of with instability. we do have the possibility of heavy downpour. through half moon bay and as we had overnight we are going to see the possibility of some chilly temperatures. broken cloud patterns and some clearer skies. tense right now are already 48 in daly city 50
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in vallejo, ovato.. and a good. with novato... the keys with some portions seeing a frost advisory. by 8:00 i would not be surprised by the north bay and the inland valleys will be impacted by this frost advisory. more about that and the warmer weather, coming up. >> of delta davis tonight, she is hanging up her microphone. she has reported at kron, kpix, dkia radio... belva davis.. >> what to love about having
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to have worked in the bay area? >> i love it because the bay area would have me back. nothing better than having a romance. when i started in the business i was often asked i was mistaken for a domestic woman in a fancy hotel more than once. i've worked with people that did not want to walk on the street with the, photographers that were not yet ready to deal with being in a mixed race couple. there are tender moments, racial moments, journalistic moments. they are all part of make you who you are. 1964. one of the most famous conventions in modern times. >> you are working for black radio. >> totally segregated. >> for the president eisenhower he said something and it set something off.
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the news media or the only eucharists standing up to him. and they scared everybody up into silence and became they came against my news director and myself. they drove us away for safety. you know that if this is in a dangerous situation i did not even know if the guards would respond to oversee the to protect us. i knew that i had to survive in this environment. it was stopped the draft, stop the war, it was free speech, it was organization by unions and teaching assistants. all of the various studies and and out of that came with the women's movement. the media was so important to tell america how about the changes that were taking place. it was absolutely exhilarating. i never doubted that i was not doing
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what i should have been doing. kron and the trip to africa was a new level of a troublesome for me >> every day thousands of people in a new-level of journalism for me. >> to be the only american journalist in that city to to the aftermath. >> the place where the bomb went off. >> is so important to seek thousands of people injured that people were still needing things and hospitals and we had the opportunity to tell the world about it. i could go on the worroad and tow cou the marbles about living in is geography. that show a lot of caring. it is so many things that i've watched happened. that i thought, wow! you say to yourself you are lucky to be here.
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>> for 49 years she has been mirrored to bill more. she is retiring from news but her community service continues she has been married ... to photojournalist, bill mooore... [ male announcer ] are you ready for tomorrow's technology today?
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then switch to at&t u-verse tv. add the wireless receiver exclusively from at&t, and you're no longer tied to the tv outlet. move your tv wherever you want in your home...even outside. [ megan ] call now and switch to u-verse for just $29 a month for six months, with a total home dvr included, free for life. add hbo and cinemax and get the first three months free. plus you can bundle tv and u-verse high speed internet with speeds up to 24 megs. [ male announcer ] our total home dvr lets you record four shows at once... and play them back in any room. every channel is in 100-percent, crystal-clear digital picture and sound. and you can upgrade to get 170 hd channels -- that's more than cable. [ megan ] so call now and switch to u-verse for just $29 a month for six months, with a total home dvr included,
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free for life. add hbo and cinemax and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] at&t u-verse. it's tv like you've never seen before. ♪ to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor. a feeding frenzy, to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever your craving. spend $25, and get a frozen safeway turkey for 59 cents a pound. or spend $25, and a frozen butterball turkey, just 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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>> here are the numbers of fifth the market off date. 400815, the s&p and the nasdaq also posted small gains for today for. >>jacqueline: we've seen the light/moderate showers but nothing widespread it has
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been mostly clear. anything is popped up has not lasted that long. rainfall totals have been less with just traces in most areas as would take a look at outside it is continuing to monitor this weather cell between half moon bay powerhous and alse weather cells over the mountains but that is in it. it is possible that we could see more with the weather headlines spotty. but a very spotty very few and far between the. chilly temperatures. clear skies. temperatures in the 30's in a number of locations with frosty. the delta all possible locations. first, the satellite and radar showing the spotty cloud pattern. mainly offshore but
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they are continuing over this year at this hour. we could see more overnight but many the skies will stay clear that will allow temperatures to drop off, dramatically the north bay, 30's. 39 in vallejo, concord and even 38 in daly city. not much of a warm-up 54 degrees in richmond, concord, 50s through san jose as for the sierras. we just will take a look at the weekend forecast was snowfall continuing. it will stay cool. sunday, chilly but a warm up before the afternoon. tomorrow, still on the cool side. sunday, another cool morning but the afternoon will be a little bit warmer with the same on monday, tuesday but there is that possible rainfall by wednesday. given these cold
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storms are dropping fresh snowfall in the sierras. good news for skiers and snow boarders joining me is a representative from the squaw valley, amelia... you must be pretty excited. we are having a problem with her connection will try to get back to her and to some traffic. perhaps try to get her on the phone again and let is get an update on the sierras. starting with san jose the 1 0 1. this is the san mateo bridge looking at the san mateo bridge the headlights her east bound. heavy westbound. heavy-
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[ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. >> as we mentioned a moment
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ago those cold storms that we have been experiencing on the phone, and neely of richmond and ilya elia... you must be pretty excited about all of this fresh snowfall? >> absolutely a great start for the season. with nearly 3 ft. a couple of weeks ago and a night fresh foot on top of that. light, pottery snow which cannot be happier. >>pam: you do not even have to make any more snowfall? >> you know, we could feel that we want to be actor prepared and cuand really haven't a getting bas extr--ba >> because monday is a veterans holiday had already seen people coming up for the long weekend. >> i talked to a couple of people that were excited. while there is not a kind of
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people. the trees look beautiful it is a great way to spend the weekend. >> can you give us a sense of the conditions getting to the ski resorts right now. how was the roadways? >> i have been only driving around the resort but they have been really well plowed. and i would recommend snow tires or tire chain laws if you get up to higher elevations. it is pretty tame but falling beautifully and the zero roads are cleared. >> it is still in right now? >> yes! yes! it is snowing right now. it is releasing neck. >> amelia...richmond of squaw valley thank-you. >> a berkeley based optical technology company has made
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a huge breakthrough in i where card they are about to release onto the market the huge breakthrough in and i wear....eyewear.... there are about to release onto the market, a new type of glasses that can help people who are colorblind. the company was visited by gabe slate. >> it is always a great moment when they can turn and look and say is that flower violent? they have never seen the color pilot before or they notice that they can see stop signs clearly. five, six, seven blocks away. >> after 10 years after development, the color enhanced sunglasses. >> if you have normal red,
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green, color perception these will look highly enhanced. >> this is work it took as little bit of turn with this technology can benefit everybody not just people with color blindness. a typical walk through the gardens will i will tell you that holy tell it was amazing. and this might sound cheesy but holy cow was like colors the way that there were supposed to be. deeper, brighter, it was beautiful. the colors were enhanced. i wish that i could show you through the camera lens what it was like but it will not translate to the cameras optics. everything will be elevated, and the outdoor activity, driving. and
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(cheers & applause) gabe slate tech report
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>> still ahead snowfall in the sierras. with rainfall we will have the full forecast on your three day weekend. the possible 3 takeover of the federal takeover of the local police government.
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>>pam: barely into the month of november in the ski slopes are covered. up to 5 in. of snow blanketing the tahoe area just in time what the veterans day weekend. kron 4 is tracking the new where the fiscal cliff! >> president obama calls on congress to block the tax
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hikes and budget cuts set for the new year. >> the american people voted for action, not politics as usual. >> and oakland versus the judge city officials say a federal takeover of their police department will cripple their efforts to fight violent crime. and we have been waiting for this weekend. >> it is going to be so cold overnight. it was already very chilly. >>jacqueline: this brought cold weather. the rain has been so scattered with a couple of weather cells near the san mateo coast. unstable with some of these
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showers heavy. however mostly dry at this hour it is possible that we could see more showers overnight. especially in the sierras. taking a look at futurecast in other weather cell. it will mainly be dry and pinpointing the same location on the san mateo coast. the sierras, the snowfall beginning again and into the overnight hours. by 8:00 a.m., widespread. fairly dry conditions and into the afternoon hours we will see clearing both locally and in the sierras. spotty showers, overnight i would say nearly isolated. clear skies. we will see how cold it is going to get and a frost advisory coming up. >>pam: charles clifford has the latest on the snow
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conditions in the bay area and up towards the mountains. >> after almost a full day of snowy weather, the skies are starting to clear over the lake tahoe area but there is lots of fresh powder on the ground. let's start by taking a look at a couple of caltrans camera shot from a friday afternoon. this is looking east belt along interstate 80 at the donner summit you can see the roadways still has some snow on it. no, there are restrictions in effect all vehicles must either be 4 x 4 or carrying genes between the kingvale and the donner lake exchange. carrying -- tire chain laws must be carried. also trucks are being checked for tire chain laws east bound at applegate and westbound at truckee. here's
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another shot from a few miles further to the east in truckee you can see traffic moving slowly. and again that there is some snow on the roadway south lake tahoe. this is the intersection between highway 50 and highway 89. and we are still just a couple of weeks away from thanksgiving but there seems to be off to a good start. this is video from squaw valley earlier. squad is reporting 9 in. of new snow. and from heavenly, 13 in. in the last 48 hours. >>pam: mr. obama extended the invitation to members of conagra's to talk about a plan for the fiscal cliff 2- members of congress-- >> in the first white house
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appearance send the reelection president obama had a message for people opposed to any new taxes. >> tuesday night we found out that the majority that we cannot just cut away towards prosperity we are serious about reducing the deficit and we have to combined spending cuts with revenue. that means asking the wealthiest americans to pay a lot to bit more in taxes. >> his message was mixed is willing to be flexible. but he will not bend on taxes. i'm not going to ask taxes and seniors to pay down the entire deficit for people like me making overasked to paya dime more in taxes. i am not going to do that. gabe slate tech report (cheers & applause)
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>> house speaker john brenner says he is willing to be flexible. >> everything on the revenue side and on the spending side has to be looked at. >> everything except tax hikes for the rich. >> the problem with raising tax rises on the wealthiest americans is that half of them are small businessmen. >>pam: john boehner offered an alternative to simply raising taxes on the rich. >> it is clear that there are a lot of special interest loop holes in the tax code both corporate and personal. it is also clear that are there are all kinds of deductions. some of which make sense, some cannot. >>pam: michael yaki. >> some people are already seeing these decisions with the physical clip would have a big impact on their ability to stay in office. that is what i mean they have to reach some resolution.
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>> oakland city officials are asking a judge not to let the federal government take over its embattled police department. arguing that the city is finally closed to meeting the court mandate reforms. >> that is correct to not want an outsider that is coming in with a hiring and firing with federal authorities calling for a federal takeover that the city is moving too slow to move forward with court ordered police misconduct. city attorney barbara parker says that it would be inappropriate and counterproductive to bring an outsider to bring in tire department. and said they want to bring to new positions for the-entire department, -- and compliance and a
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constitution. >> one will be a high level person that is out solely committed for the compliant department and the other would be working with the court system to assure that we are moving forward, expeditiously. the money there would have hiring or firing power of these new positions -- need would be having hiring or firing power but it is the best option going forward. >> we want to make sure that we are accelerating that peac on task cannot could enough for the attorney that is been asking for the federal takeover they have waited for over nine years for the city to implement all the court mandated reforms. despite a lot of talk it has not happened and he will not be agreeable to anything but a federal takeover by someone who has a hiring and firing power. the ultimate
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decision is up to a federal judge cannot is scheduled for next month. dan kerman kron 4 >> police have arrested two people in the mount murder of a 44 year-old man from antioch this killing happened after an argument felicia viscaina and joshua perry are behind bars police say the killing happened after an argument over money outside of the home on west 18th street. the identified victim as vaughn walker ohad a gunshot wound and later
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died. >>pam: also, there is new information from san jose police in connection with a homicide investigation police are asking for the public's help in finding this man described as a suspect and the apparent murder of a woman and a south san jose. troy nocenzo.. will not reveal his relationship to the victim. >> there is no indication that he is a armed with a fire arm or any other dangerous weapon. but i would still be cautious and of course we always ask that the person sees this individual and not to take him into custody or anything of that nature just called 911. >> that was jose garcia the san jose police department spokesperson. he is expected
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to be driving a silverado pack up. this is the 41st homicide. that is more than all of last year. a committee is on alert after a suspicious person approaches a 15 year-old girl on her way to john f. kennedy high school. the investigators say that this is the fifth time that the person has tried to get this child into the vehicle in the past four weeks. he is described as a nation, with a heavy build and driving and suv. this is not the first time they have heard about a stranger in the area. >> it is very scary i always telling my children to be aware of their surroundings. and you do not want anything happening to your child because it actually happened
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with a junior high child. this car kept falling her. >> this letter alerting the community to the stranger danger incident was sent to. the unified school district shortly after it occurred. >> the director of the cia resigned after admitting to an extramarital affair and white navy seals are being punished to video came greeters why navy's00 are navy seals are being punished for revealing details to video game makers [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver
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only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. >>catherine: detreaus... resigning after is extramarital affair and his wife has done a lot of work to help military families.
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>> members of this team that taken down osama bin lot and are being reprimanded. the seal team seix electronic arts released this war fighting the = =seal team six shared confidential information that was a statement released synapsis it is not allowed. they all
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signed non disclosure requirements and the reach given written reprimands and a partial loss of pay for two months. these written reprimands are career killers because promotions are typically not given in the military after such discipline. electronic arts, which released the video game released a brief statement saying they are not pulling the game from store shelves and not altering the game. grant lotus, kron 4. >> people in the northeast are still feeling storm battered there are plenty of power outages and shortages of gasoline. a lot of people are wondering why they have to fret over the gas gauge after a 11 days. president obama is going to visit the region next thursday and authorities are promising the situation will and improved. >> gasoline rationing begins for drivers in new york city, long island that is began spending hours. it is designed to ease the fuel crunch because of shortages could last for a few more
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weeks. >> the best for the we could discover to help would be keeping gas stations up lunker and alternate times for them to fuel up. >> they are still reeling from hurricane and sandy. chris christie. >> believe it or not it was helpful it was not rain and it helped on the flooding side. secondly, the wind was not as severe as predicted. >> the red cross volunteer susan mitchell trouble from louisiana traveled-from louisiana. >> there are very thankful that we are here and she said think you'and we would also think them. and we are just telling them to thank you. just hang in there is
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just a matter of calling. it will take a matter of time for electricity and utility companies to restore electricity. >> still, several thousands of people are without power. there are calls to the army going of engineers to help out. >> we have been see seeing weather cells pushing as we continue overnight still some chance of showers along the coast. by the leader evening and early morning hours you can see snowfall through lake tahoe and again that will be the main thing that we see overnight. rainfall virtually non existent but take a look by 8:00 a.m. the satellite and radar showing that the
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futurecast is tracking of the coast and it looks like most of that rainfall will stay. 30's to start, still only 50s for the afternoon. taking a look at the morning temperatures. how cold it is going to be with the frost advisory. between the delta, it is not included aboard the north bay but look at these temperatures. with 32 degrees in napa, 40's and santa rosa. we are going to see frost in those areas with a patchy frost and upper 30's tomorrow. 40's in santa rosa and a very chilly day, or altered starting in the morning and afternoon still on the cool side with temperatures only in the '50s in daly city, richmond.
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50s through half moon bay will continue to see snowfall to the sierras is already on the ground and continued to fall i for the overnight hours. as we saw on futurecast with a couple of fresh inches at the lake level and higher elevations, more but tapered off by monday. a look at your extended forecast monday, just a slight chance of thunderstorms. and conditions are going to be improving sunday, monday, tuesday, the chance of rainfall. we will be back. [ female announcer ] welcome, one and all, to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor. a feeding frenzy, to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever your craving. spend $25, and get a frozen safeway turkey for 59 cents a pound. or spend $25, and a frozen butterball turkey,
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just 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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>> the toxic drug, methamphetamine which kills brain cells and weakens the heart may have the power to fight the flu. new research from taiwan's suggest that math treated cells had a lower concentration of the virus and a regular cells then with the the -- met and
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that been treated cells. doctors toward not recommend you take methamphetamines to get over the flu. but researchers to believe, this study could help them find safe compounds of the drug. chrysler is recalling more than 919,000 older model jeep as you pleas = suv's..... - to come ou2003
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>> a car engine blows up during a race. we will show you more of this dramatic video. and the popular apple iphone 5 is out sold by its main competitor. >>jacqueline: this non
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weather cell with rainfall, this mean weather cell producing rainfall. details, coming up that mean weather cell ♪ because we know how much you do to make the holidays just right. from ornaments to ottomans, memories are made with ikea.
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>> some people are going to be unemployed. other people could be living in an economy that is just not functioning. >> with increasing taxes, grand parking and money- saving changes. for the physical cliff. >> of site prior elementary. stranger danger alert was sent home after a young girl was approached by a suspicious person walsh was walking to school. he is
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described as an asian male driving a midnight caller as you b s u >> this pg&e employee carjacked in walnut creek. >> oakland city has filed legal motions to prevent a
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government takeover for their local police force. they'd would rather have local interest fiction. jurisdiction. this is scheduled to go to court next month. >> and a san francisco there will be the first to assignment. the department of tpublic health has helped keeping trans gender people save during health care. when it this is set to take effect. >> relief is on the way in the san jose for one of the most congested interchanges this is the interstate
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280/880 in the san jose. this confusing signs is about to undergo a 62 million-dollar main corporate transportation officials broke down on a plan that shows new fly over the 280 with the northbound 880. this is possibly completed in 2015. >> in san ramon a contra costa county hosting a fund- raiser for the fallen c h p officer, kenyon younstro m... all of these benefits will go towards the family. he was shot to death in the month of september brought making a routine stop on interstate 680. this
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benefit begins at 6:that 30 the public is welcome and there is a price of a commission. organizers say that nobody will be turned away. there is a price at the door for admission. >> optical i where breakthrough technology with the i wher--eyewear.... >>jacqueline: still some rainfall along the san mateo coast we austral seeing spotty showers diminishing for the evening. there is
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the possibility of some showers overnight but we are going to stay mostly clear. just because this has ushered in some cold air. 34 degrees in santa rosa. 32 degrees. 38 in daly city. and definitely, you need to buckle up if your going out early temperatures tomorrow not that much warmer with temperatures a little bit warmer in the 50s. still, 54 degrees with a chilly day expected and the temperatures are goin to comimproved.. rainfall continuing to threaten the bay area. >>catherine: in national news a police chase in southern california ended in a deadly shootout today. it started with a bank robbery north of los angeles. the suspect led police on a
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high-speed chase. it ended at a cul-de-sac after his car blew a tire on a spike strip police say that when the man only pretended to surrender and then he opened fire. officials shot back, wounding him.... he later died of a hospital. >> there was a dead a mitt romney t shirt outside of the republican campaign office manhattan beach police say the pig carcass was wearing a blue mitt romney t-shirt with barbwire are run its head around its head. the statue
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of liberty is let back up again after the hurricane devastation. >>catherine: now, in national world news new pentagon details to show the the first u.s. military unit a ride in libya more than 14 years after the attack of the consulate in benghazi was over. four americans were killed, including ambassador christopher stephens. a defense departments of the lack of response time was mostly because the long distance command teams had to travel to get in libya. the time and also shows the defense secretary, leon panetta and his top military adviser were not notified of the attack until nearly an hour after it began. also, the 14 year-old is recovering. who
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was targeted by the taliban. she was nearly killed in the taliban shooting attack. she is recovering in a british hospital
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>> some chromattake a look at this. this funny car crash gractrack racdrag this drag racing championship contender, jack beckman, survived an inch an explosion and injun explosion survived an
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engine... explosion also, the samsung 3 is out selling the smart phones. strategy and alex, a market research firm says the device of this top-selling sports phone in the third quarter with apple's iphone for as common in second. but it was a close race here's howard played out samsung $80 million gal >> is it sport is coming up with sportster gary radnich ke shelf deaths
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[ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch,
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we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. the warriors at the lakers
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tonight. right now, mike brown has been fired. some of the best players, they're also 0-8 in the preseason. but there is mitch to carry out the orders. >> the bottom line is that the team was not winning at the pace that we expected the team to win. we did not see improvements so we decided to move in another direction for change. >> and watch kobe bryant. he was a dead man and there is an offensive. and brian shaw
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from oakland will also be considered. maybe brian shaw will have a chance? and when i was watching that clipped the other night i honestly should have said something. and thinking that was just about it. >> if he is going to dictate that do that behind closed doors. >> and i am in a little bit of a funky mood anyway. but we worked together on that
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giant celebration and a college basketball this year. michigan state obverses yukon. they are playing in an air force hangar. michigan state verses you, it is great that they are planning at eight armed forces hanke anger... this airplane hangar and germany. and the raiders have to go all the way to baltimore to the corporate out religious. and a couple of others but they are going to be without karen mcfadden and you can get hurt once, you can get hurt twice but if you are getting hurt for three times now you wonder their id is, tie 1 jone t taiwan jones... my
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opponent, has said that they have lost several and it this is what jim harbaugh had to say. >> the team is playing very good football. it is an
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improved team. >> there is, the 49ers. and will and with it is the funny car championship contender, jack beckman survived an engine explodes in yesterday's. and this was in the auto club finals in pomona, california. the driver walked away with no injuries. and we are coming [ female announcer ] welcome, one and all, to a tastier festive feast.
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so much to sip and savor. a feeding frenzy, to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever your craving. spend $25, and get a frozen safeway turkey for 59 cents a pound. or spend $25, and a frozen butterball turkey, just 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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>> is great on friday we take the radio e-mails. >> angelo... the 49ers have a great team but my santa clara taxes are paying for the new stadium. ... >> and i would say that at least the 49ers at the very least the 49ers are honest saying that they will keep the date line and by chance to win the super bowl. we will have the parade on market street they are up front. santa clara. >> i would not know.
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>> that break road and will fight for them. i understand that there is a lot of attack stuff in the news but the bottom line is that san francisco is san francisco. they will help celebrate. >> and mrs.k. my son would like to do what you do. >> any advice? >> this is now different than when i started. everybody is beating everybody down. making you feel a insignificant. and if he thinks that make a great impact but check it out. it is all different and on television >> and did i hear you correct? college basketball
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is a dying. i will take a young, hungry kids over fatheaded pros. >> nowadays,. >> and i listen to you every day but i am tired of using how you feel is how you feel can you get a . >> tried to trick me into talking about taxes and a guy is responsible for five kids, a sick parent. and works his tail off is going to feel different about taxes than a young, single person that is without responsibilities. that is just it. i'm not going to argue with that. that is how you feel. >> i agree. stick to your guns. and with people with your personality are controlled at home by the
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wife. is that true? >> marcel, it is like any household. sometimes the wife is the boss sometimes it is the husband is the boss. >> if you can get a word and?
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♪ because we know how much you do to make the holidays just right. from ornaments to ottomans, memories are made with ikea.
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we're with the president's campaign manager as she takes us behind the scenes on election day. >> as the media hikes up his new emotional video today. i'm brooke anderson. >> and i'm kevin frazier. "the insider" is on. take a look at this remarkable video of a teary-eyed >> i'm really proud of all of you. >> the president's headlinemaking tears. >> were there even more on election night? >> there were a few tears shed. lot of hugging. >> his campaign manager on the record to us about what really happened. and -- >> election day, election day! >> how the obamas' tv strategy paid off? >> his new cover shot as that pollon. >> will the inauguration be a hollywood affair? >> i will be there. sa


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